Our Culture

Who we are

Pneuma Church is a family on a mission who create spaces for people to encounter God, be equipped to bring life to the city and experience the outworking of this in their day-to-day. 


What we’re like

‘The environment we curate to nurture the things we wish to see’ 

We have 11 main headings of our culture and underneath sit other statements that help shape who we are. The 11 main culture statements are below:

1. God is good
2. We live in God’s presence
3. God is always working
4. God has a plan for our lives
5. God has placed us to bring life where we are
6. Pneuma Church is family
7. We look to love people well
8. All are invited!
9. God’s word is powerful in changing lives
10. We celebrate risk as we pursue the ‘impossible’
11. Faith is relationship, not religious ritual

What we do

Our aim at Pneuma Church is simple – it’s to bring life to the city. Jesus made it clear that his aim was to bring life. He said, ‘The thief comes to steal, kill and destroy, but I have come that you may have life and have it abundantly’
(John 10:10)