“Father God wants us to know just how He feels about us!”
Being a ‘Christian’ is not about rules, it is about relationship. If we could, we would write this in the sky or get it pulled along by an aeroplane! We have an incredible Father God who loves us, who is on our side, who is pursuing us and who is relentless in that pursuit. Saying yes to being in a relationship with Him starts with us realising our need of Him and desiring that relationship. The Bible says that if we ask and then begin that relationship with Father God, that we are literally made new. We heard someone describe it recently as being like all the colours were brighter and others have felt peace pour over them!
You see, Father God can be experienced too. It’s not religious ritual that is our duty to perform, it is not trying to live up to a set of impossible standards and it is not about being a church attender. What enables us to continually encounter and experience Him is our longing for Him and spending forever grasping just how incredible His love for us is! You see, God is a good God.
There’s loads that happens in this world that is not what is in God’s heart for us and it breaks His heart too.
If you are interested in exploring what it means to have a relationship with Father God, then there are a few ways we can help.
Pick up a Bible
Come along or join us online
Ask Questions
Join a Circle or a Culture group
I’ve said Yes!
Once we have said "yes", it’s good to get baptised.
He really is wonderful and being in that relationship is truly transformational. Just ask someone who you see around and they’ll tell you!
If you have any questions at all, please contact us. We would love to walk with you in your adventure of faith.