Yes To Jesus

Yes TO JEsus


You’ve made a really exciting decision and there are fanfares and party poppers going off in Heaven to celebrate!

This pack is made up of 6 simple cards giving you the basics of what it means to be a son or daughter of God. The idea is that you meet with someone to go through the cards together, one by one in an informal and relaxed environment. You can ask as many questions as you like! If you would like someone to help walk through this with you please get in touch.

Part 1


When we say ‘Yes’ to Jesus you are described as a ‘new creation’. The distance between you and Father God has been removed and now you are an adopted son or daughter. A new member of God's family!
Part 2


When God created you, He created you with a purpose in mind – relationship! Every morning He waits expectantly for you to wake up so He can spend the day with you.
Part 3

Knowing God

We view everything through the lens that God is good. The Bible doesn’t just say that God does good things. It says that God IS good.
Part 4


Prayer is simply talking to God and listening to Him. It is about intentionally spending time with Him. You can pour your heart out to God and talk to Him about whatever you are feeling.
Part 5

The Bible

“The Bible was not given for our information but for our transformation.” DL Moody
Part 6

The Church

Church is not just a building where you go for a wedding or funeral, nor is it a gathering of people on Sunday. Church is the PEOPLE; a community who follow Jesus.